Sunday, August 19, 2007

Heavenly Husband

I don't want to forget what just happened and how much it meant to me, so I'm blogging about it.

A little background information...

We have church at 1:00.
Early this morning I was up feeling sick. Velo, my husband, was up taking care of me.
We slept until 11:00 when our 2 yr. old cousin who lives with us, we call her Foosa, started screaming and bawling. So we both sat up in our bed and beckoned her to come into our room. She would have none of that. Just wanted to scream I guess. Eventually I got up and we went downstairs to see if she'd been feed yet. She had, the evidence was there on the table, old eggs. We played with the birds we have as pets for a few minutes, then I ate some breakfast. This didn't sit very well with me. Feed the lizards and We went back upstairs around 12:15. Not enough time for me to get ready to go to church and get the baby ready.
Velo got up and got ready while I talked to Foosa's sister about going to church, how we could since we had no car seat (mom had taken it w/ her to work).
Foosa loves church. It's the only time she gets to play with other children. She simply thinks nursery is the best. Now I really believe in our church. So I feel terrible keeping her away from a place she is so happy, because I think it will make a subconscious difference when she is older. But I just wasn't feeling up to it, and Sister wasn't going to be going.

Additional background info.

Velo tries hard, but is still learning to deal with children. Especially in large doses, like having an instant 2 yr. old living with us. He also has a hard time making himself get ready and leave the house. Even for church, although he to does believe in it.

So to the point of this blog...

Velo gets himself ready and tells me to get Foosa ready for church and he will stroll her there. So I and Sister can rest up for a few hours, Foosa can go to nursery and he will do as he knows is right.

Wow. I may not seem like such a big deal down in words, but here in reality, it was a BIG deal. I am so grateful for a husband whom honors his priesthood duties, is willing to be the example and still go to church with the Foosa even when it isn't convenient.

Breaking it down again,

Velo took Foosa. Big deal because he tries, but is still working on the kid thing.
Velo strolled Foosa. Big deal because that is much more work than driving or staying at home.
Velo strolled Foosa to church. Major deal because church is important, but even though I say that, he acted, and he did it.
He took the active role and he is helping her see it is important.

I love that man. I am so glad I have him in my life and I am so glad he will stand up and do what is right. Even when it isn't easy. I am so proud of him. Today he inspires me to be better and do more.


dishes and laundry said...

Yay, Velo! Sometimes, they just make you fall in love all over again, don't they?

Do your nicknames have any meaning? Foosa is from a Lion King, isn't it?

Queen of Hearts said...

Nick names are mostly just that. Foosa is from Madagascar, that's because I don't like to call her negative names like, Brat or Beast, even if she does deserve it. So some how Foosa started because it sounds cuter I guess. Velo is what the hubby uses for gaming and email addresses. But he isn't liking it so much on the blog.