Saturday, August 18, 2007

In the Begining

So here it is, the breaking down of my insistence that I don't need to blog because I just comment on others blogs. Lately, I have been really enjoying reading my friends & families blogs. So when talking with a good buddy,, we discussed how great it is that people are finally doing the journaling and history we've always been told to be working on. Ever since, I've been playing around with the idea and finally gave in by starting a blog for my school stories. I have not started that blog yet though because I keep thinking about things I could blog about and reasons to take the time to actually DO it that weren't work related, at all. In the end, I decided to make a "personal" blog too. But lets be honest, how personal can a publicly viewable diary be? Well, we'll see I suppose. I may have a large following, or I may just be putting stuff down that may be read by offspring some day. I must admit, I do hope someone, somewhere along the way will read this. If I'm really lucky maybe I can inspire, uplift, bring joy or just be closer, to someone, anyone. Who knows, I may just surprise myself and the person I might help the most will!

1 comment:

dishes and laundry said...

Hooray, Brittany!!! I'm so excited to read your blog! Good work!