Saturday, December 22, 2007

Company Party

Quick update, went to the “new” jobs par-tee.
They had an open bar. My favorite kind. All the seltzer and lemon I wanted! There were hourdurvours. (How do you spell that any way?) Fancy! And many gals in dresses nicer than church dress. I was in jeans.
That is why I had begged for five days for Velo to check with his new coworker about what he and his wife were wearing. Oh well. Lucky they let us sit most of the time and we had the excuse of being the new guys.
We mingled, well, at least the best we could not knowing anyone.
We sat and filled out a survey scoring a whopping 5 hundred some points. (Seriously that was a lot!)
We were the first table to eat. So I grabbed a roll, salad, potatoes, put the brown stuff on my taters, put meaty main courses on my plate. Grabbed the yummy dessert. As I was heading back I noticed I didn’t get dressing for my salad. I passed by the salad bowl again to see and with a sinking feeling realized the gravy I had put on my potatoes wasn’t gravy at all. It was balsamic vinaigrette dressing.
Yeah, not good on garlic potatoes.
The rest of the night went well. There was an auction for unknown prizes. We won a 50 dollar Visa gift card. One of the very best prizes.
I made friends with some of the coworkers wives.
And the boss told me I had come up several times during Velo’s hiring process because "my happiness was very important to him" (my husband).
Over all and VERY wonderful night.


It"s me said...

I am sorry about the tatos... I would have done the same! People just thought that maybe you liked dressing on tatos! We I hope that your hub likes his new job and that future work parties serve gravy!

Mrs. J said...

Sounds very fancy. And a lot of fun. I hope that everything works out great with the new job. Congratulations and good luck.

dishes and laundry said...

Company parties can be stressful! Sounds fun though - aside from the dressing - and you won the best prize!!

You are a fun couple - the best table to sit with for sure.