Wednesday, December 12, 2007

New Job

My wonderful husband and provider went out and got several offers for different jobs. After pitting them against each other...We took the one with the most pay, of course. It’s almost enough of a raise to bring me home, if you include insurance benefits and my car loan getting paid off soon.
So close, yet, not quite there.
But I am so proud of him for being willing to get out there and sell himself.
He’s going to be leaving Jordan School District after 4 1/2 years of service. And trust me, it was that, service, cuz’ he did not get paid what he should have for all the demands of his job. The new job is a company called Edustructures. (hope I am spelling it right.) He is going to be doing help desk type stuff. There will be less gas consumed because it is in South Jordan and one building, vs. traveling to a bunch of different schools and then over to the east side. We are very psyched.
Going to meet the co-workers Wednesday at the company Christmas party. Feeling kind of nervous. I’ll have to come back and document my first impressions.
Congrats Velo! I’ll miss you at school, but I know you’ll do awesome!


Devin and Amber said...

HEY HEY!!! I am first!!!

Have fun at the party!!!

and please dont hit me over Christmas for doing a good deed... well a good deed in my eyes....


dishes and laundry said...

Congrats on the new job!!!

It"s me said...

How wonderful! I am so excited for you guys!!! I hope you guys like the peeps and the atmosphere!