Monday, May 26, 2008

My Grandpa - Lebaron Morril Robinson

My grandpa was such a unique man. He was so valient, honest and kind. He was my father figure until my mother married when I was 4, almost 5. I always looked up to him. He had such an amazing testimony and he bore it well. Not so much with words, but more so in action. He was a wonderful husband, attending to his sweethearts every need. He was the exact example of enduring to the end as he fought many types of cancer for many, many years. He was patient and full of love. As a true accountant he was very much the penny pincher. One of the grandchildrens favorite stories about grandpa was when he was a young father and the family had gone out for 10 cent cones, grandpa’s ice cream fell off the cone, and he actually picked it up off the ground and ate it, not wanting to waste the 10 cents. (Truth be know, he LOVED ice cream and I think he didn’t want that to go to waste.) LeBaron was a wonderful man who passed on many of his traits to his children and grandchildren, like perfectionism, being a pack rat and having a buoyant upbeat attitude toward life. I would always do anything he asked and with his memory close to my heart I strive to be the posterity he deserved.

1 comment:

dishes and laundry said...

Did the ice cream fall onto the grass...or something like sand? 'Cause I would totally eat ice cream if it fell onto grass.

I'm enjoying these posts, by the way.