Monday, May 26, 2008

My Son - Carson Taylor

Carson visited this world on Jan. 8, 2007 for just under three hours. Born early with anencephally we were so lucky to have him to love and hold for that space and time. My greatest association with Carson is love. He was such a wonderful loving little boy. One could just feel it. He infused me with it too, while I was pregnant with him. It was such a pleasant pregnancy. I’ve never felt healthier. He had such a perfect little spirit, so full of compassion, obedience and kindness. He would listen to his parents desires and try to obey, even while in the womb. He would provide me with comfort when I was sad. And helped me understand so much, including sacrifice, joy and sorrow. Carson cared so much about us. He was all the good things a person can be. This is partially why it was so painful to loose him. I am so glad to have been married for time and all eternity, that I may be sealed to my little prince forever. I anxiously await the day I will be able to hold him again.

1 comment:

dishes and laundry said...

Hold on to the love. He's yours, forever, and he loves you. I believe he's grateful to you for giving him his body, and for loving him so tenderly. With time (and I mean a lot of time), the anger and sorrow will fade, understanding and acceptance will settle in, and faith and love will remain and continue to grow. You can get there. Love you.