Friday, May 2, 2008

Off Track

So I'm off track again. My goal this time. To blog, I want to get in at least 6 blog entry's before I go back on. We'll see if that happens.
I have been absent from the blogging world for so long because I am truly an addict. Christmas came in a whirl wind. I slowly quit getting on to read all my dear blogs. Then as the new year rolled around, I began counseling. She, aforementioned councilor, wanted me to start writing. "Well good, I already do that", I thought. I blog. But apparently I was supposed to be writing privately. Whatever. Well, it seemed silly to write stuff down twice, so I didn't blog, and the time I spend reading them quickly got overtaken by whatever else.
Back to being an addict. I don't feel like I can just jump back into blogs, so I have to go back into the back logs and read all of them that I'd missed. But again, can't just read them. HAVE to comment. I blame Dishes and Laundry for that. She started me in on the blogging phenomenon. And when she introduced me she said she was a comment hussy. (I don't remember the real term she used, but that was the point.) She did say she'd do anything for a comment. So, as a result I never read, without commenting.
Here I am with all the time I've been needing to clean the house, catch up on all the half crafts I've started and get ready for next year's class and the end of this year at school, and what do I choose to do?

1 comment:

dishes and laundry said...

Glad to see you dipping your foot back into the blogging pool.

No worries about the commenting on past blogs - just read at your leisure. And I think I said I was a "comment whore", LOL!

I miss you when you're gone from school!